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Best creative Gift Ideas for Employees to Show You Care them

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Gifted Team

Articles (6)

08 Jun, 2021

The Covid pandemic has wrought dramatic changes on the business landscape, with companies having to scramble to adapt to the new normal of empty offices as employees got to grips with remote working. Then a strange thing happened. What had been seen as disaster mitigation gradually began to yield unexpected benefits…

02 Nov, 2020

2020 has been a wild ride of ups and downs, the blows of unspeakable loss softened by uplifting stories of hope; humanity coming together, communities growing stronger and the present moment being appreciated for the magic that it is.

01 Oct, 2020

The word is out: Businesses no longer depend solely on traditional, full-time employees. A boost in the gig economy, contracted services providers, and temp positions allow organizations to hire freelancers and other alternative, project-based workers to complete specific jobs only when needed, saving them money on full-time salaries and benefits.

16 Aug, 2020

The mind is a curious place. It’s always dreaming, hoping, creating, and adapting. As a human race, we crave learning and discovery like water.

17 Jun, 2020

These past few months have been nothing short of change and challenges. We at Gifted created a new section of gifting activities that suit all budgets and the new normal of working from home, which is precisely why we titled this activity set “Work From Home.”

25 May, 2020

“I like to interview right around lunchtime, so I can see how the employees interact with each other.” This is my friend’s number one interviewing tip. He makes a good enough observation to really understand the company culture and if he’ll feel comfortable there just by being physically present in the office at a time where socializing and culture pops. 

06 May, 2020

Companies around the globe are announcing that their teams will be working from home until the end of the year. Watercooler chats, team lunches, and after-hours events are on hold indefinitely.

28 Apr, 2020

While some companies are no stranger to working from home options, more and more are adopting this trend in order to keep employees safe and healthy (I type this as I work from home, with my cat sitting on my keyboard).

10 Apr, 2020

Snail mail, pagers, fax machines, e-mail, text message. Technology has changed work communication drastically. We evolved from waiting days to receive a letter to waiting milliseconds for a reply to a text.

20 Mar, 2020

It had been less than 90 days since I started at my previous position, yet I found myself presenting in front of all our investors. My boss was on a business trip so I am represented our team.

05 Mar, 2020

Your employees spend the majority of their lives at work. They are together for at least 8 hours a day, five days a week, for year

18 Feb, 2020

A great organization has a great team behind it; a workforce of dedicated, hard-working people who go above and beyond their job requirements. You as a manager, HR representative, or owner appreciate their work and talent more than they’ll ever know.

04 Feb, 2020

“I got you a croissant. Sorry there’s no time for brunch,” my friend Kim says as she’s hunched over her computer. It’s 8:00 a.m.

17 Jan, 2020

You’re three weeks into 2020. It’s a brand new year, a new decade, a new…you? Out of the resolutions did you make 21 days ago, how many have you kept? If you haven’t taken another look at that note on your phone with your resolutions since January 1st, don’t beat yourself up. There’s a way to return to it, and turn those “I wills” into “I ams.” 

01 Dec, 2019

We’re excited to announce our first partnership with the helpful, straightforward…Evil HR Lady.

25 Nov, 2019

If you didn’t get the hint from the Target toy magazines or pumpkin-spiced everything,Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. It’s another day off from work…

22 Jun, 2019

The first day of work is one big adrenaline rush. Starting a new chapter in a career, especially the first page of that chapter, is intimidating.

15 May, 2019

It’s been less than 90 days since I started at my current position, yet I find myself presenting in front of all our investors. My boss is on a business trip so I am representing our team.

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