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Best creative Gift Ideas for Employees to Show You Care them

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Gifted Team

Articles (6)

18 Apr, 2021

The process of giving constructive criticism is an integral part of making sure that employees are aware of where they stand performance-wise. Constructive feedback can be provided in either a formal or informal setting, and its purpose is to help employees improve and grow - both in the workspace and in their personal lives.

April 13, 2021

In business, nothing is more valuable than credibility.

13 Apr, 2021

In business, nothing is more valuable than credibility. Your reputation will either make you or break you.

13 Apr, 2021

You’ve likely already done your research if you’re thinking about starting your own business. Written your business plan, done your market research, decided on a name, and figured out the funding. But some things are only really understood once you’ve started.

13 Apr, 2021

Often, when we've got a lot on our plates, and there seems to be an endless list of tasks to complete, self care is the one thing that we all, very readily, give up to accomplish more in other areas of our lives. And, while you might be ticking items off your to-do list, you’re likely to end up burning the candle at both ends and running yourself into exhaustion which can lead to a whole range of problems…

12 Apr, 2021

With working from home being the new norm (for now at least), the initial steps of having everyone physically set up and able to go about their workday are likely already done. And sure, as technology improves, we’ll continually adapt to the ever-changing needs and demands of the workplace.

April 11, 2021

When a valued employee is flagging, how do you get them back on track?

11 Apr, 2021

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success” – Paul J. Meyer

11 Apr, 2021

We’ve been dealing with the impacts of Covid-19 for a year now, which is hard to believe at times! While there are still many aspects of working-from-home that we need to come up with solutions for, remote meetings are more than likely here to stay for a long time yet.

11 Apr, 2021

Fostering a positive alliance with suppliers makes great business sense, now more than ever before.

08 Apr, 2021

With one in five adults living with some form of mental health issue, helping employees improve their psychological wellbeing could be one of the most important steps an employer can take - both for the individual and for the success of the organization.

08 Apr, 2021

Leadership comes hand-in-hand with delegation. Why? Delegation is key for leadership and growth.

06 Apr, 2021

You may have heard of a mental block being described as a lack of focus. A stumbling block. Or mental fatigue, as medical professionals like to refer to it. Simple right?

05 Apr, 2021

The world we live in today is technologically all consuming. Just in the last month, how much time have you spent on your phone? Have a look right now - your phone logs it for you - but be warned, it will shock you.

05 Apr, 2021

If handled well, stress can be used as a useful tool to push for productivity, attention to detail and even energy.

04 Apr, 2021

Consistency and growth are not mutually exclusive; they need to go hand in hand. Your business’s early stages will have required a lot of decision-making, from the services your company provides to what your logo looks like.

04 Apr, 2021

There are many secrets to becoming a successful entrepreneur but when you get down to becoming an excellent CEO or even manager, the key traits are always kindness, empathy and understanding.

31 Mar, 2021

Lockdown rules, social distancing and self-isolation this year has created an alternate universe of online connecting…

29 Mar, 2021

Starting your own business can be daunting. The journey to becoming a prosperous business owner is not a smooth one. Elon Musk recently said “Starting a company is like eating glass and staring into the abyss...

15 Mar, 2021

Unity of purpose is essential to the success of any enterprise. When everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal with a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved day by day and how their contributions matter, great results can be attained.

01 Mar, 2021

Here at Gifted we believe in the power of appreciation. So, we thought why not delve a little deeper to find out why it makes us feel so good and how appreciation can change your working environment.

27 Feb, 2021

They say if you put two people in a room together for long enough, they’ll find something to disagree about. That’s normal human interaction - no matter how many things we might have in common, we’re all different in many ways too.

06 Feb, 2021

Resilient businesses don’t box themselves in. They have no fixed parameters. They understand that micro shifts add up and that seismic shifts can happen overnight, so the only way to survive and thrive is to constantly work on being pliable and versatile.

28 Jun, 2021

If the Covid pandemic has taught businesses anything, it’s that everything can change and if you’re not ready and willing to adapt you might as well pack up and go home.

20 Jun, 2021

So much has changed since the onset of Covid-19 and the resulting havoc that the pandemic caused worldwide. It's changed everything from the way we socialize, how we travel (or even if we can), and how we educate.

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