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Best creative Gift Ideas for Employees to Show You Care them

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Gifted Team

Articles (6)

28 Dec, 2021

As the world continues to embrace the digital age, more aspects of our lives are going online. The workplace, especially, has seen more transformation than most, with companies going remote and employees collaborating online.

28 Dec, 2021

The crippling, stomach-clenching sensation of dread known as anxiety is a feeling that many are familiar with. In a world filled with uncertainty, as well as threats and dangers that seem to lurk in every corner, it’s no surprise that we grapple with this negative emotion from time to time.

21 Dec, 2021

When lying in bed all day, mindlessly scrolling through your social media feeds feels more appealing than getting important stuff done, you’ll need a little push to get out of your funk. That’s where motivational pep-talks come in.

21 Dec, 2021

We’re all familiar with the self-deprecating little voice in our heads that tells us we’re not good enough. Sometimes that voice gets so loud, it cripples our selfconfidence and holds us back from chasing our dreams and accomplishing our goals.

21 Dec, 2021

Failing can feel like the end of the world. Your hopes and dreams are crushed and it seems impossible to move on or start over. Dwelling on a failure will only make you miserable and keep you from opportunities and successes that are waiting for you beyond the hurdle.

21 Dec, 2021

When the chaos of everyday life threatens to overwhelm you, finding inner peace can help center you. Booking a solo trip to a secluded place might sound like a great way to help you calm the storm, but there are also simple, effective ways to achieve this.

20 Dec, 2021

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing, it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” – Voltaire

20 Dec, 2021

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.” – John McAfee

20 Dec, 2021

Walking in another person’s shoes may sound uncomfortable and impractical, but figuratively, it’s the best description of empathy. Understanding and sharing someone else’s feelings and thoughts is the basis of being empathetic and also key to creating a warmer, kinder world.

20 Dec, 2021

We are often so focused on outcomes that we forget to thank those who help us along the way. This oversight may not be intentional, but it can lead to profound disappointment and real resentment. In the workplace, failure to applaud the achievements of employees can result in reduced productivity - or worse, it can cause talent to walk out the door. Simple appreciation might just prove to be one of the most critical factors in reversing the so-called ‘Great Resignation’ ravaging workplaces across America and the world.

11 Dec, 2021

“As younger generations ascend in the workforce and become the majority of managers in corporate America, they’ll reshape work as we know it.” - Stephane Kasriel.

03 Nov, 2021

Now Gifting Is Even EASIER Thanks To New Features On Gifted.co!

03 Nov, 2021

If you somehow hadn’t noticed, the world is in the ever-tightening grip of a goods delivery crisis. With increasing frequency, news headlines are screaming that shoppers are set to face empty shelves in the run up to the holiday season.

28 Oct, 2021

“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it all into words is all that is necessary.” – Margaret Cousins

23 Oct, 2021

“A moment of gratitude makes a difference in your attitude.” – Bruce Wilkinson

13 Oct, 2021

At the end of every day, stop and take a look back at the role your time management played in how much you did or didn’t get done. Chances are, you won’t have to think too hard to find where things went right and where they didn’t.

15 Sep, 2021

It’s official: When you allow your people to choose their own reward from a range of options, their creativity spikes!

24 Aug, 2021

Every one of us has experienced failure at some point in our lives - many, many times if we’re honest with ourselves. We all know how it feels to be rejected, whether in terms of love, work, life in general - if none of this applies to you, to gender-neutralize Kipling, “You're a better human than I am, Gunga Din”!

11 Aug, 2021

The colloquial term ‘control freak’ is by today’s standards a repugnant framing of those who suffer from a set of real and debilitating mental health issues.

10 Aug, 2021

Everyone has bad days – some so bad you just want to throw in the towel. It may be that everything seems overwhelming, you’re overdue on projects, you’re just not feeling fulfilled or appreciated and that vacation you’ve booked is so impossibly far off

09 Aug, 2021

A cohesive team is a huge factor in the success of any enterprise. When members of the team have a falling out, it’s likely to impact not only on their wellbeing and productivity but also on everyone else’s around them

09 Aug, 2021

With an active global social media population of over 3.6 billion people, businesses ignore the value of marketing their products and services via online channels at their peril.

09 Aug, 2021

Without innovation, the long-term success of your business is in jeopardy. It’s not just about employing new devices or necessarily ‘re-inventing the wheel’ - it’s a mindset, a willingness to change and, in fact, a demonstrated passion for change.

08 Aug, 2021

When tasks become routine there’s always the danger that standards will gradually slip, especially when the first and subsequent compromises go unnoticed.

08 Aug, 2021

The act of giving has long been known to yield positive benefits not only for the recipient but also the benefactor.

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