"הטיפול במתנות לעובדים מהיר וכיפי, זה כבר לא נטל עבורי"

"העבודה עם גוגיפט כל כך פשוטה ומהירה, מה שחוסך לי זמן קריטי במהלך היום. עם הממשק של גוגיפט אני לא צריכה להתעסק יותר באקסלים מורכבים ובעדכון ידני של עובדים. גוגיפט מתממשקת בצורה מושלמת ב-API לשאר מערכות ה-HR שלנו, וכל הנתונים מתעדכנים אוטומטית. זה הפך את הטיפול במתנות לעובדים למשהו כייפי ומהיר, זה כבר לא נטל".

ענבר רודף שלום

Co-Founder & CEO at Mobrium


  • When you walk into the room, what song would be playing?

    Yellow By Coldplay

  • How would you explain your job to a 5 year old in 10 words?

    I listened to people to help make their experiences better. But if you ask them, for some reason it goes to designing cup holders on treadmills.

  • What was your first paying job?

    Little League Baseball Scorekeeper

  • What is your favorite curse word?

    Dang-it. Not a swearer in my house

  • What is the best compliment you can give?

    The one that you think they're looking for

  • What is the best compliment you can receive?

    Probably just being a good listener

  • What is your favorite Gift Card brand?

    Anything Outdoor, like REI

  • What book / podcast can you recommend?

    “Work Inspired” By Aron Ain

  • What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

    Probably seeing satisfaction go up in ratings and scores and metrics, because I know those numbers represent people being happier

  • Where do you want to go on your next vacation?


  • What was the last gift that you gave someone?

    A 10lb bag of local granola for my father

  • What was the last gift that you gave someone?

    A 10lb bag of local granola for my father

  • What is your favorite word?


  • What is your least favorite word?


  • Do you have a motto, spoken or unspoken?

    Perception is reality