"לראשונה אנחנו יכולים להציע מתנות גם ברשתות בינלאומיות!"

"בזכות החיבור לגוגפיט הצלחנו להעלות את שביעות הרצון של העובדים ממתנות ימי ההולדת שהם מקבלים. לראשונה אנחנו יכולים להציע לעובדים גם מתנות בינ"ל. העובדים מתלהבים ובוחרים באמאזון, אסוס, ספורה ופריימארק שמככבים אצלנו במסדרון. אני שמחה ואפילו קצת מקנאה בחוגגים של אותו החודש ;) אם העובדים מרוצים זה אומר הכל!"

הדר אבירם

Co-Founder & CEO at Mobrium


  • When you walk into the room, what song would be playing?

    Happy by Pharrell Williams

  • How would you explain your job to a 5 year old in 10 words?

    I hire and help people in the workplace

  • What was your first paying job?

    Cashier at the local supermarket

  • What is your favorite curse word?


  • What is the best compliment you can give?

    That you are kind

  • What is the best compliment you can receive?

    Probably the same thing, that you’re kind

  • What is your favorite Gift Card brand?

    Well, with Amazon you can get anything you need, but I always need something from Sephora

  • What book / podcast can you recommend?

    Walk the Talk by Cass Cooper in our Inclusive Leadership Network

  • What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

    When someone's having difficulty with something and I have conversation with them, and they circle back and say, ‘Wow, that really helped’. So yeah, that's cool

  • Where do you want to go on your next vacation?

    Take the family to Hawaii

  • What was the last gift that you gave someone?

    Tickets to the NY Giants for my son's 16th birthday. He got his jersey signed!

  • What was the last gift that you gave someone?

    Tickets to the NY Giants for my son's 16th birthday. He got his jersey signed!

  • What is your favorite word?

    Okay, I know it's three but "Live, Laugh, Love"

  • What is your least favorite word?


  • Do you have a motto, spoken or unspoken?

    “Always Try to Find the Positive”