22 Jun, 2019

The Start Of Something New

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New Hires
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Micha Berkuz
The first day of work is one big adrenaline rush. Starting a new chapter in a career, especially the first page of that chapter, is intimidating.

Asides from the basics of worrying about what to wear and who to eat lunch with, there’s also stress of making good first impressions and showing that HR made a good choice. All while running on a few hours of sleep.

But there’s one thing that turns nervousness into excitement, and that is the greeting your new hire receives. Whether it’s an HR team member kicking off the onboard process or the new employee’s manager, it’s right when the employee enters the door that your company can create a positive experience.

Just as your new hire is focused on making a good impression, your company should be equally thoughtful. This is your first chance to make a good impression as their new employer! So here are a few ways to make the best impression on your new team members.

Before the First Day:

Before the First Day:

No one wants to sit alone. And no one wants to eat at their desk and seem unsocial. So set up lunch for them! Invite your new hire to eat lunch with their team, with other recent hires, or designate people from various teams as a “welcome crew” that takes pleasure in meeting new people and making them feel comfortable. Provide the employees that invitation along with…

A Schedule

Let your employees know exactly what will be happening during the first day (or two) in the office. It should include their arrival time and instructions on where to go. They’ll be prepared and know exactly who they’re meeting and when, keeping imagination and worries at bay.

On the First Day:

Send them a gift card for coffee or breakfast beforehand

Sending a voucher for a coffee or breakfast via e-mail or text on your new hire’s first day shows them that you care about how their day will go. Use it as an opportunity before they enter the office to say good luck, or to encourage them to get their energy for the long day ahead.

Welcome Swag Kit

Company swag is a great gift to onboarders. Giving company-branded products to hires right away make them feel like they’re part of the company before “proving themselves” or gaining seniority. And it gives their desk an appearance similar to their surrounding coworkers.

Team-Led Tour

Even if it’s three floors with lots of tucked away spaces, your new hire will need a tour around the office to start feeling some sense of comfortability. Instead of having an HR representative be the tour guide, have someone from the new employee’s team lead the tour. This can be someone seasoned in the team or even the most recent joiner! It will provide a foundation for friendship, open up a channel for questions, and will add more personality to the tour (with unique tips and tricks that aren’t on-book).

One last tip. If your organization is big enough, try to start all new employees on the same day each week, or every other week depending on the flow. Onboarding new employees together is first and foremost easiest for HR purposes but also helps starters feel less alone. It makes the onboarding process more fun and personable. Cheers!

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