21 Apr, 2021

How To Celebrate Wedding Announcements In The Workplace

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Amit Volinits

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” – Lao Tzu

Why get involved?

When a member of your team makes the life-changing announcement that they are tying the knot, it’s the perfect opportunity to show how much you value them. There are so many good reasons to make a heartfelt gesture of support…

Your chance to get engaged too!

Disengaged employees cost U.S. companies up to $550 billion a year - which is why good managers know they should never miss a chance to show that their people matter. But it needs to be more than just a cynical tactic - making someone you work with feel noticed and valued yields mutual human rewards. It always feels good to give - as Maya Angelou says, “I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.”

Family values

According to the Harvard Business Review, fostering a family feeling at work can benefit employees. In a survey of 2,226 UK employees, the majority said they would prefer companies with a ‘family feel’, held together by tradition and loyalty. “Employees report being happier with their job when they have close friendships at work. Research suggests that closeness with others at work has psychological benefits, including fulfilling a need to belong and creating friendships”. Just as family and friends will acknowledge and celebrate an event as important as betrothal, an employer striving to create a ‘home away from home’ environment should always make an effort to do the same.

Strengthening bonds

A wedding announcement is a big deal! Such momentous occasions imprint the most lasting memories - and the interactions that happen at the time will be remembered for years to come. How you respond, or don’t respond, will make either a great or awful impression not only on your employee but also, importantly, on their intended spouse. This is a chance to strengthen bonds that go beyond the walls of the office and create tremendous goodwill - building a happier, more productive relationship that will benefit your nuptials-bound team member and the company as a whole. And you’ll be amazed at just how easy this is to achieve…

The gift that keeps on giving

It’s easy enough to say ‘congratulations’ and then move on - but you have a golden opportunity to make a more tangible gesture that is meaningful on an emotional level. Surprising the happy couple with something as effortless to deliver as a gift card can yield long-term dividends that far outweigh the few minutes and the minimal cost it takes to make it happen. It will have a positive impact on loyalty, productivity and relationships that will last long after the wedding bells have faded. 

“Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege.” – John D. Rockefeller, Jr

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