24 May, 2022

4 Ways To Make A Human Connection With Employees

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Ad Hoc Gifts
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Micha Berkuz
“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers, which leads to profitability.” – Anne Mulcahy"

It’s ironic that in a world that’s more connected than ever thanks to many digitaland technological advancements, people feel more disconnected instead. In theworkplace, especially, connecting with employees can be harder because of theformal nature of the environment.

However, a human connection with employees is essential to creating a goodworking environment, helping them stay happy, encouraging them to be moreproductive, and identifying any problems in the workplace before they escalate.Here are 4 ways you can make this human connection with employees to reapthese benefits:


Spending more time with people is the first step in getting to know them betterand forming a connection. There isn’t much time to do that during work hours dueto the demands of the office, however, you can work around this with amentorship program.

Mentoring employees allows you to connect with them without taking time awayfrom work. In addition to helping you bond with them, mentorship gives them theopportunity to learn from you and get comfortable enough around you to shareany challenges they face without fear of judgment.

Create a community-first work environment

A community-first work environment is one where members of different teams ordepartments in a workplace have a good, human connection. That can mean theinteraction between the marketing department and HR or between two teamsworking on different projects

In essence, this helps everyone feel like they’re all members of one team despitetheir differences. You can take part in this by volunteering your time and efforts tostep outside your job description so you can see, firsthand any areas that needimprovement and offer your support. Regular in-person check-ins withemployees to see how they’re faring, even beyond work, also helps with creatinga community-first environment.

Team building exercises

As previously established, people connect better when they spend time together. Apart from mentorship, you can connect with employees through team-buildingexercises. These usually happen outside the workplace, giving everyone a chance to know each other beyond their job description.

Team building exercises can involve various activities, such as fun games withimportant lessons at their core about working as a team. You can take advantageof the relaxed atmosphere to open up about yourself and your life to employeeswhile you play, encouraging them to do the same so you all get to know eachother better.

Celebrate their wins

Companies normally celebrate employee achievements in the workplace, but thiscan end up limited to a few employees if others don’t manage to measure up towhat the company considers as worthy of celebration. To be more inclusive, youcan ask individual employees to identify some personal wins and celebrate thosewith them.

Not only will this help every employee feel included, but it will also help youidentify the things that are important to them, which is one step toward getting to know them better. The more you know them, the easier it is to form a humanconnection with them.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working togetheris success.” – Henry Ford"

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