28 Dec, 2021

4 Ways To Boost An Employee's Confidence

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Amit Volinits
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” – Helen Keller

Confidence makes all the difference when it comes to the quality of an employee’s work. Studies have found that happy, confident employees perform better because they’re motivated to take risks and are more assertive.

While confidence is basically a trait that some employees inherently have, others may need a little encouragement to get to that point of self-assuredness. Here are 4 ways to boost an employee’s confidence, which will improve their productivity and, in turn, your business:

Give them achievable goals

The easiest way to make someone more confident in their skills is by giving them a win. Giving them simple tasks that you know they can manage based on their skill set is the best way to do this.

Each win boosts their confidence, so you can give them tasks increasing in difficulty progressively. The more they achieve, the more confident they’ll feel.

Listen to their ideas

Sharing and exchanging ideas in the workplace fosters creativity, which offers a lot of benefits for the business. When you encourage employees to share their ideas and discuss them together, it’s an indication to them that they’re being heard.

This helps employees feel like their input is welcome and important, and it encourages them to speak out more and show initiative. It, in turn, encourages innovation which leads to many benefits for your business.

Offer Detailed Feedback

One thing that can help employees who don’t have much self-confidence is detailed feedback. This will help them know what they got right and what they need to work on and will go a long way in boosting their confidence.

To avoid setting your employees back, make sure you don’t give harsh criticism as your feedback. Start by telling them what they got right before you go into detail about what they need to work on. Make sure you also offer help and suggestions for how they can make improvements.

Acknowledge improvement

As employees work on being more assertive at work, you can help them by acknowledging any improvements they make. That includes celebrating their successes, even with something as simple as a compliment.

Positive affirmations boost morale and improve a person’s confidence. They also motivate employees to keep improving when they know that they get acknowledgement or a tangible reward in return.

“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes

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